RealInputInput signal |
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A Real input connector.
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay Pipeline information delay with awareness |
BusinessSimulation.CausalLoop S-shaped logistic growth process |
BusinessSimulation.CausalLoop Splitting a flow into n flows |
BusinessSimulation.Stocks Material stock, that cannot be drained or filled beyond its capacity limits |
BusinessSimulation.Stocks Accounting for changes in average quality of a stock as new entries with different characteristic flow in |
BusinessSimulation.Stocks Material delay of n-th Order |
BusinessSimulation.Stocks Conveyor delay (aka pipeline ~) with variable delay time |
BusinessSimulation.Stocks Delay the flow of material for a fixed (but variable) delay time |
BusinessSimulation.Flows.Unidirectional Draining a stock with a given average residence time |
BusinessSimulation.Flows.Unidirectional Rate of transition is proportional to the amount in stock A |
BusinessSimulation.Flows.Unidirectional Flow from stock A to stock B at a given rate |
BusinessSimulation.Flows.Bidirectional Rate of exchange is proportional to amount in stocks |
BusinessSimulation.Flows.Bidirectional An exchange of matter between two stocks at an exogenous rate |
BusinessSimulation.Flows.Interaction The inflow to B is proportional to the outflow from A |
BusinessSimulation.Flows.Interaction The outflow from A is proportional to the inflow to B |
BusinessSimulation.SourcesOrSinks A stock is drained at a given rate |
BusinessSimulation.SourcesOrSinks A stock is drained at a rate proportional to its content |
BusinessSimulation.SourcesOrSinks Exponential decline of connected stock |
BusinessSimulation.SourcesOrSinks Exponential growth of connected stock |
BusinessSimulation.SourcesOrSinks A stock is filled at a given rate |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay Pipeline information delay without awareness |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay First-order exponential smooth |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay N-th order exponential smooth with constant averaging time |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay A smooth with different delay times for positive and negative changes |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay Higher order smooth with different delay times for positive and negative changes |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.Vector Multiplication of a vector with a scalar |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.Special Do assert() checks to monitor an admissable range of values |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.Special Do assert() checks to monitor an admissable range of values |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Clips input signal so that it remains within a given interval |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Division without protection against division by zero |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Division guarded for division by zero |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Input u will be stated as dimensionless fraction with regard to a reference value |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Output is the disturbed input |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Enable user input, if gaming mode is activated |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Input is divided by polynomial function of lambda |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Input is multiplied with polynomial function of lambda |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Exponentiation of input |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Converts a rate given per time base A to a rate per time base B |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Gradual approach of a floor below which output can never fall |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Gradual approach of a ceiling that cannot be exceeded |
BusinessSimulation.Converters Converts a time signal from time base A to time base B |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing Assessing a system's performance and sustainability according to basic orientors |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing Periodic reporting of a financial flow for the past accounting period |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing Calculates the present value of a stream of cash flows |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing Calculate average time of residence or time needed for completion |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing Calculate the time value of money (TVM) using continuous compounding |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing Calculating a fractional rate of change to be used in forecasting |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing Trend-based forecast for an exponentially growing quantity |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Policy Flow (action) is proportional to resource level |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Policy Allocate an available amount according to priorities and capacity restrictions |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Policy Allocate an available amount according to priorities and capacity restrictions |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Policy Determine the rate of flow (action) to close a gap between a quantity and its desired value |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Policy Maintain a stock at a desired level |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Policy Limited PID controller |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Policy Allocate an available amount according to priorities |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Blocks Modeling the influence of excessive workloads on productivity or quality |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Blocks Unit cost degression due to gaining experience |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Incubators Basic model of an account with optional interest |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.Transceivers A single stock drained by an outflow at a given rate |
BusinessSimulation.Sensors Collect basic stock-related information for stocks with implicit dynamics |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.Basics Single Input to Stock, Flow, or Source/Sink component |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.Basics |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.Basics |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialConverters Converter with single input and single output |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialConverters Converter with two inputs and a single output |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialConverters Converter with three inputs and single output |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialConverters Generic converter with real input and boolean output |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialConverters Converter with two real inputs and boolean output |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialConverters Smooth-like converter |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialCLD Partial model with real input and flow port |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialCLD Partial model for control in CLD+ modeling |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialCLD Source or sink process driven by stock info output |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialCLD Partial model of a delay for CLD+ modeling |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialCLD Partial interaction for causal loop diagramming |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialCLD Partial interaction for causal loop diagramming |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialCLD Partial lookup for causal loop diagramming |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialCLD Partial source or sink for causal loop diagramming |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialSubsystems Partial subsystem with flexible number of connectors |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.Connectors Multiple input signals |