SmoothSISOSmooth-like converter |
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Partial block extending from →GenericSmooth with a Real input and a Real output connector.
u |
Type: RealInput Description: Input |
y |
Type: RealOutput Description: Output signal |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay Higher order smooth with different delay times for positive and negative changes |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay A smooth with different delay times for positive and negative changes |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay N-th order exponential smooth with constant averaging time |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay First-order exponential smooth |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay Samples input, if Boolean trigger is true |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay Ideal periodic sampler of input |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay Pipeline information delay with awareness |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay Pipeline information delay without awareness |