TrendCalculating a fractional rate of change to be used in forecasting |
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The Trend component represents forecasting in behavioral models and has been proposed by Sterman [3, pp. 634 - 638]. The basic idea is rather intuitive: Forecasters perceive a present condition of some input as a smoothed input (ppc), while they also perceive the historic or reference condition (rc) as a smooth of their current perception.
Dividing the diffence between the current condition and the reference condition by the reference condition will determine the fractional increase. A further division by the time horizon for the reference condition will then turn this into a fractional rate. The thus calculated rate of change (i.e., the indicated trend) may then again be smoothed, if smoothTrend = true
initialTrend |
Value: 0 Type: Rate (1/s) Description: Initial trend |
tppc |
Value: 1 Type: Time (s) Description: Averaging time for perception of current quantity (i.e., the present condition) |
thrc |
Value: 1 Type: Time (s) Description: Time horizon for reference condition |
tpt |
Value: 1 Type: Time (s) Description: Time to perceive the trend (i.e., there is gradual adaptation to a new trend) |
smoothTrend |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: = true, if the calculated trend is to be smoothed |
reportPPC |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: = true, if the perceived present conditon is to be reported |
init |
Value: modelSettings.init Type: InitializationOptions Description: Provide InitializationOptions (Free, FixedValue, SteadyState) |
y |
Type: RealOutput Description: Information output signal |
u |
Type: RealInput Description: Current value as basis for trend formulation |
y_ppc |
Type: RealOutput Description: Report the perceived present condition (optional) |
modelSettings |
Type: ModelSettings Description: Setting important global variables within a model |
actualTrend |
Type: PassThrough Description: Output is identical to input |
rc |
Type: Smooth Description: Reference condition for calculating the fractional trend |
ppc |
Type: Smooth Description: Perceived present condition |
parTPPC |
Type: ConstantConverterTime Description: Time to perceive present condition |
parTHRC |
Type: ConstantConverterTime Description: Time horizon for the reference condition (duration of trend formulation) |
parTPT |
Type: ConstantConverterTime Description: Time to perceive the trend (i.e., adjustment time) |
perceivedTrend |
Type: Smooth Description: Perceived growth rate |
indicatedTrend |
Type: Division_Guarded Description: Indicated fractional growth rate (trend) |
delta |
Type: Gap Description: Difference between perceived present condition and reference condition |
rcTimesTHRC |
Type: Product_2 Description: Referenc condition times time horizon for reference condition |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing Trend-based forecast for an exponentially growing quantity |