AsymmetricSmoothA smooth with different delay times for positive and negative changes |
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This converter behaves like a conventional →Smooth but allows to give separate delay times for positive and negative information changes.
inside this component to make sure that delay times are strictly positive.initialValue |
Value: 0 Type: OutputType Description: Output at startTime |
init |
Value: modelSettings.init Type: InitializationOptions Description: Provide InitializationOptions (Free, FixedValue, SteadyState) |
u |
Type: RealInput Description: Input |
y |
Type: RealOutput Description: Output signal |
u_negDelayTime |
Type: RealInput Description: Delay time for negative changes |
u_posDelayTime |
Type: RealInput Description: Delay time for positive changes |
modelSettings |
Type: ModelSettings Description: Setting important global variables within a model |
actDelayTime |
Type: Switch Description: Actual delay time |
positiveQ |
Type: Threshold Description: True, if u is greater than the given threshold |
changingPerception |
Type: ExogenousChange Description: A stock is filled or drained at a given rate |
gap |
Type: Gap Description: Difference between acutal information and perceived information |
rateOfChange |
Type: Division_Guarded Description: Rate of change in perceived information |
perceivedInformation |
Type: InformationLevel Description: Smoothed information |
BusinessSimulation.Converters.DiscreteDelay Higher order smooth with different delay times for positive and negative changes |