ConvertersInformation processing (blocks) |
Discrete or delay converters |
Converters with boolean output and/or input |
Table- or Lookup-Functions |
Converters with vector input and/or vector output |
Special converters - often used as utility functions |
Return the absolute value of input |
Determing the time value of money for an investment of 1 |
Sum of two inputs |
Total of three inputs |
Clips input signal so that it remains within a given interval |
Limit any time input to be no smaller than dt |
A constant value is turned into a constant signal |
A constant rate is turned into a constant-valued signal |
A constant time value is turned into a constant signal |
Division without protection against division by zero |
Division guarded for division by zero |
Input u will be stated as dimensionless fraction with regard to a reference value |
Output is the disturbed input |
Natural exponential function |
Input is multiplied by constant parameter |
Enable user input, if gaming mode is activated |
Compare goal (u1) and current value (u2) to determine gap |
Logarithm of the input to a given base |
Return the largest value |
Return the smallest value |
Output is identical to input |
Transform the input according to a polynomial function with given coefficients |
Input is divided by polynomial function of lambda |
Input is multiplied with polynomial function of lambda |
Exponentiation of input |
Inputs are multiplied |
Inputs are multiplied |
Calculates the force of interest (continuous compounding rate) |
Converts a rate given per time base A to a rate per time base B |
Rescales input to run from y_min to y_max over the range u_min to u_max |
Gradual approach of a floor below which output can never fall |
Gradual approach of a ceiling that cannot be exceeded |
Converts a time signal from time base A to time base B |
The input will be set to zero, if it is negative |
This information is part of the Business Simulation Library (BSL). Please support this work and ► donate.
This library contains input/output blocks (converters): One or more information inputs are (instantaneously) transformed by some function given one or more outputs.
Copyright © 2020 Guido Wolf Reichert
Licensed under the EUPL-1.2 or later