TableFunctionVectorTable function for vector input and output using Modelica's CombiTable format |
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This converter uses the Modelica CombiTable format to read in a 1-D table function from file. For more explanation regarding the 1-D Modelica CombiTable interpolation see Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Dv.
The Modelica CombiTable format can be generated by Wolfram Mathematica using Export[]:
Export[ filename, { {"TableName1", table1}, {"TableName2", table2}, ... }, "MCTT" ]
where table1, table2, ...
are 2-dimensional arrays. By default all lookup data are assumed to be included in a single file whose name is given by the global parameter lookupDataFileURI
nin |
Value: 2 Type: Integer Description: Number of input and output signals |
tableOnFile |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: = true, if table is defined on file or in function usertab (combiTable1D.tableOnFile) |
table |
Value: fill(0.0, 2, 2) Type: Real[:,:] Description: Table matrix (combiTable1D.table) |
tableName |
Value: "NoName" Type: String Description: Name of the table in the file containing the data |
fileNameURI |
Value: modelSettings.lookupDataFileURI Type: String Description: URI of the file to read the data from (default = lookupDataFileURI) |
smoothness |
Value: Smoothness.LinearSegments Type: Smoothness Description: Smoothness of table interpolation |
columns |
Value: fill(2, nin) Type: Integer[nin] Description: Columns of table to be interpolated (length must be equal to length of input and output vectors) |
verboseRead |
Value: true Type: Boolean Description: = true, if info message that file is loading is to be printed (combiTable1D.verboseRead) |
extrapolation |
Value: Extrapolation.LastTwoPoints Type: Extrapolation Description: Extrapolation of data outside the definition range (combiTable1D.extrapolation) |
verboseExtrapolation |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: = true, if warning messages are to be printed if table input is outside the definition range (combiTable1D.verboseExtrapolation) |
u |
Type: RealMultiInput[nin] Description: Input |
y |
Type: RealMultiOutput[nin] Description: Output signal |
modelSettings |
Type: ModelSettings Description: Setting important global variables within a model |
combiTable1D |
Type: CombiTable1Dv Description: Modelica combi table |