Lookup_TableOnFileTable-based lookup given on file |
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Using the lookup converter →TableFunction
the normalized current value of the stock, which is connected via the StockInfoInput
connector, is used as input to an interpolation table (on file) to obtain the output y.
The value used for the normalization is a constant by default (referenceValue = 1
); if hasConstantReference = false
the optional input u is used instead.
hasStockInfoInput = false
.Lookup_Table, Lookup_JPositive, Lookup_JNegative, Lookup_SPositive, Lookup_SNegative
pol |
Value: "±" Type: String Description: Polarity |
referenceValue |
Value: 1 Type: ReferenceType Description: Constant reference value to normalize input |
hasStockInfoInput |
Value: true Type: Boolean Description: = true, if the input is given by the input connector u instead of stockInfoInput |
hasConstantReference |
Value: true Type: Boolean Description: = true, if the reference value for the stock is given by a constant parameter |
tableName |
Value: "NoName" Type: String Description: Name of the table in the file containing the data |
fileNameURI |
Value: modelSettings.lookupDataFileURI Type: String Description: URI of the file to read the data from (default = modelSettings.lookupDataFileURI) |
verboseRead |
Value: true Type: Boolean Description: = true, if info message that file is loading is to be printed |
smoothness |
Value: Smoothness.LinearSegments Type: Smoothness Description: Smoothness of table interpolation |
extrapolation |
Value: Extrapolation.HoldLastPoint Type: Extrapolation Description: Extrapolation of data outside the definition range |
verboseExtrapolation |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: = true, if warning messages are to be printed if table input is outside the definition range |
stockInfoInput |
Type: StockInfoInput Description: Input of record with stock-related information |
u_ref |
Type: RealInput Description: Reference value for stock |
y |
Type: RealOutput Description: Output of output type |
u |
Type: RealInput Description: Input for lookup (optional) |
normalizedStock |
Type: DmnlInput Description: Input u will be stated as dimensionless fraction with regard to a reference value |
absoluteSensor |
Type: AbsoluteSensor Description: Reports basic stock–related information |
modelSetting |
Type: ModelSettings Description: Setting important global variables within a model |
lookup |
Type: TableFunction Description: Table function defined by external data on file using Modelica's CombiTable format |