AggregatePerformanceAggregate the information received from a set of performance indicators |
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The output y is given by applying an aggregate function (e.g., →Min, →GeometricMean, →ArithmeticMean, →Max) to a set of performance indicator inputs u. Optionally a vector of weights can be given as constant weights
or external input u_weights
, so that weighted averages can be used.
nin |
Value: 2 Type: Integer Description: Number of performance indicator inputs (length of input vector) |
func |
Value: BusinessSimulation.Types.AggregateFunctions.arithmeticMean Type: AggregateFunctions Description: Function to apply for aggregation |
weights |
Value: ones(nin) Type: Real[:] Description: Constant weights to be used for performance inputs |
useWeights |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: = true, if the output is to be a weighted arithmetic mean |
hasConstantWeights |
Value: true Type: Boolean Description: = true, if the weights are constant |
y |
Type: RealOutput Description: Information output signal |
u |
Type: RealMultiInput[nin] Description: Vector of performance indicator inputs |
u_weights |
Type: RealMultiInput[nin] Description: Vector of weights (optional) |
parWeights |
Type: ConstantConverter Description: Constant weights |
arithAvgPerformance |
Type: ArithmeticMean Description: (Weighted) arithmetic mean |
geomAvgPerformance |
Type: GeometricMean Description: (Weighted) geometric mean |
maximumPerformance |
Type: Max Description: Maximum of the performance inputs |
minimumPerformance |
Type: Min Description: Minimum of the performance inputs |
BusinessSimulation.CausalLoop Generalized mean function for multiple stock information inputs |
BusinessSimulation.CausalLoop Generalized mean function for multiple information inputs |
BusinessSimulation.MoleculesOfStructure.InformationProcessing Assessing a system's performance and sustainability according to basic orientors |