
Subsystems with input and output connectors only (Control and/or information processing)

Package Contents


Modeling the influence of excessive workloads on productivity or quality


Unit cost degression due to gaining experience


This information is part of the Business Simulation Library (BSL).

Blocks are information processing systems or (on a lower level of aggregation) processes with information inputs and outputs only. Typical examples will be management seen as a subsystem of a company receiving information from production systems, processing them and sending out information according to decision making policies. On a lower level a simple transformation of information may be modeled as a block.


  • Given the origin of system dynamics in electrical engineering the term "block" is a clear reference to signal-flow processing and control engineering, where such systems are represented in a block-diagram.

  • Blocks are exceptional in the absence of material connectors such as stock or flow ports.

Copyright © 2020 Guido Wolf Reichert
Licensed under the EUPL-1.2 or later