PartialCLDPartial classes for causal loop diagramming |
Single flow port with optional flow reporting |
Partial class for flow port with timing |
Partial model with real input and flow port |
Partial model with stock info input and flow port |
Partial model for control in CLD+ modeling |
Partial converter class for CLD+ modeling |
Source or sink process driven by stock info output |
Partial model of a delay for CLD+ modeling |
Partial interaction for causal loop diagramming |
Partial lookup for causal loop diagramming |
Partial interaction for causal loop diagramming |
Partial lookup for causal loop diagramming |
Evaluating a stock |
Partial source or sink for causal loop diagramming |
Partial stock forCLD+ modeling |
This information is part of the Business Simulation Library (BSL). Please support this work and ► donate.
This package contains partial classes to build those contained in the package →CausalLoop.
Copyright © 2021 Guido Wolf Reichert
Licensed under the EUPL-1.2 or later