PulseInputGenerate pulse or pulse-train signal of real input |
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The Real output y is a pulse signal → Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Pulse.
offset |
Value: 0 Type: OutputType Description: Offset of output signal y |
startTime |
Value: 0 Type: Time (s) Description: Output y = offset for time < startTime |
amplitude |
Value: 1 Type: OutputType Description: Amplitude of pulse (with regard to offset) |
width |
Value: 50 Type: Real Description: Width of pulse in % of period |
period |
Value: Type: Time (s) Description: Timespan for one period |
nperiod |
Value: -1 Type: Integer Description: Number of periods (< 0 means infinite number of periods) |
y |
Type: RealOutput Description: Output signal |
pulse |
Type: Pulse Description: Generate pulse signal of type Real |
BusinessSimulation.Interfaces.PartialCLD Partial class for flow port with timing |