
Set rate for a port according to signals from stock


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The real output actualRate is determined by checking whether the real input indicatedRate is complying with the restrictions signaled by a connected stock in form of the boolean flags stopInflow and stopOutflow. If the rate is found to violate either flag 0 is returned, in all other cases the indicated rate is returned unchanged.


Functions.constrainedRate(indicatedRate, stopInflow, stopOutflow)


Functions.constrainedRate(-5.0, stopInflow = true, stopOutflow = false); //  0.0
Functions.constrainedRate( 5.0, stopInflow = true, stopOutflow = false); // 5.0
Functions.constrainedRate(-5.0, stopInflow = false, stopOutflow = true); // -5.0
Functions.constrainedRate( 5.0, stopInflow = false, stopOutflow = true); // 0.0


Rates are usually set by flow components and have to observe the flow-restrictions with regard to a connected stock component. By Modelica conventions a negative rate for the flow indicates an inflow with regard to the connected stock, while a positive rate indicates an outflow for the stock.

Thus, in the first example above the indicated negative rate for a →FlowPort would mean an outflow from the flow component and an inflow with regard to the connected →StockPort. Observing the flow restriction signaled by the stock the acutal rate is set to zero.

See also



actualRate = constrainedRate(indicatedRate, stopInflow, stopOutflow)

Inputs (3)


Type: Real

Description: Proposed rate for port of flow element


Type: Boolean

Description: Signal from connected stock


Type: Boolean

Description: Signal from connected stock

Outputs (1)


Type: Real

Description: The rate to use


  • Added Inline = true in v2.1.0.